habits of SELF LOVE


             "Your life is the reflection of what is in your mind"

habits of Self-Love

1. Be selective with your close circle of people.

You know that the people you relate with, influence your mentality. That's why you have to prefer to be close to people who inspire and help you to be better and stay away from toxic people who don't bring anything positive to your life.

2. Take care of yourself.

You have to have habits and a daily routine of self-esteem, every day you have to do something for yourself.

3. Love your body.

You can put a picture of when you were little in the mirror, so every time that you look at yourself, you are not going to be able to say bad things because your little girl/boy will be there. You have to achieve to see yourself in the mirror without pain, you have to accept your defects and your qualities, that will mean that  you have learned how to love yourself.

4. Your value 

You know what you are worth and what you deserve and you don't have to accept less,  and always appreciating what others  do for you if you feel that it comes from the heart. You mustn't allow anyone to make you feel less or tell you that you can't achieve something.

5. Don't let yourself be guided by what they will say.

You have to be authentic and  do everything as you think is right. Is impossible to please everyone, so instead of trying that, just try to please yourself. So you act according to your criteria and values.

6. Believe in yourself.

Affirmation: I have confidence in your abilities, in my judgment, I know that you can achieve anything I set my mind to.

7. Put your peace first and foremost.

You don't have to allow anyone to steal your peace of mind, because you know that nothing is worth more than your peace of mind.


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